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A Conversation With Lauren Kearns & Tim Van Meter

In this podcast we discuss the roots and origins of ecological theory, environmental justice and place-based education, resilience theory, contested spaces and points of tension in environmental studies and religion, along with several main areas: food (organic farming; food justice), animals, climate change, urban vs. rural, consumption/waste, role of religious groups in environmental justice (and faith-based initiatives), links to action and pubic policy work, and imagining the future. In other words, Laurel and Tim set the larger context of ecological pedagogies for us and give offer inspiration and ideas for an eco-inclusive classroom and curriculum.

In Part 2, Laurel Kearns and Tim Van Meter take us through several concrete pedagogical practices in ecoliteracy and ecopedagogy. They discuss the use of autogeographies in their classrooms to enable students to examine their place in the world. And they take us through the interdisciplinary pedagogical practices and commitments both inside and outside the classroom in the work of ecojustice. They show the interconnections of earth, self, community, and justice in their classrooms and their engagement in larger social change movements.

about our guest/s

I am joined by Prof. Laurel Kearns of Sociology and Religion and Environmental Studies at Drew Theological School and the Graduate Division of Religion at Drew University and Prof. Tim Van Meter, Alford Chair of Christian Education and Youth Ministry and Coordinator of the Cross-Cultural Program at Methodist Theological School in Ohio. They are both part of The Green Seminary Initiative, and teach courses in religion and ecology.


The Green Seminary Initiative:


The Center for Spirituality in Nature:

The Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology:

Methodist School of Theology in Ohio Ecotheology Program:

Seminary Hill Farm:

The Earth Charter:

 Green Theory & Praxis: The Journal of Ecopedagogy:

 Kahn, Richard. 2010. Critical Pedagogy, Ecoliteracy, and Planetary Crisis. New York: Peter Lang.

Kearns, Laurel and Catherine Keller. 2007. Ecospirit: Religions and Philosophies for the Earth. New York: Fordham University Press.

Sobel, David. 2004. Place-Based Education: Connecting Classrooms and Communities. Barrington, MA: Orion.