Healing Resistance: Pedagogies of Nonviolence with Kazu Haga
What might educators learn from practitioners of conflict mediation and transformative justice? What does it look like to enact “beloved community” in our classrooms, organizations, and movements? What should teachers and learners do to better align our ideals of justice and equity with our day-to-day practices?
about our guest
Kazu Haga is a peace educator, nonviolence practitioner, and author of Healing Resistance: A Radically Different Response to Harm (2020). Kazu has spent 20+ years training communities in practices of conflict reconciliation, harm reduction, and nonviolent action. As the founder of the East Point Peace Academy, and now as a core member of the Ahimsa Collective and the Embodiment Project, he has taught restorative practices to high schools and youth groups, prisons and jails, and numerous activist and social movement organizations around the world. He is the recipient of several awards, including a Martin Luther King, Jr. Award from the Fellowship of Reconciliation and the Gil Lopez Award for Peacemaking. His next book, Fierce Vulnerability: Direct Action that Heals and Transforms, will be published in August 2024.
Audio editing by Aliyah Harris
Production by Lucia Hulsether and Tina Pippin