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Planetary Citizinship:

Learning for Climate Justice

What do we need to learn to save the planet? Critical pedagogue Greg Misiaszek joins us to discuss climate crisis, ecopedagogy, and liberatory teaching about environmental justice.

about our guest/s

Dr. Greg Misiaszek is Associate Professor on the Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University in the Institute of Education Theories. He serves as Associate Director of the Paulo Freire Institute at UCLA with director Prof. Carlos Antonio Torres, whom we also interviewed on this podcast. Dr. Misiaszek works in the areas of global citizenship education with a focus on ecopedagogies, planetary citizenships (both plural) and the connections between the environment and social problems and solutions.

Greg is the author of two books, Educating the Global Environmental Citizen: Understanding Ecopedagogy in Local and Global Contexts (Routledge,  2018) and Ecopedagogy: Critical Environmental Teaching for Planetary Justice and Global Sustainable Development (Bloomsbury, 2020), along with numerous articles on place-based environmental education. Be on the lookout for two forthcoming books: a co-edited volume (with Aki A. Abdi), Palgrave Handbook on Critical Theories of Education and several article and co-edited journal volumes. To delve deeper into Greg’s work, visit his website at Greg is also an accomplished photographer and you can view photos from his many travels on his website.


Episode music by Akrasis. See