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Playing with Texts: Pedagogies of Scripture 

What does critical pedagogy offer when it comes to texts entangled with histories of oppression and disenfranchisement? How might we approach these texts so as to ask new questions and bring out different stories?

about our guests

Dr. Vincent Wimbush is the Director of the ISS and past president of of the Society for Biblical Literature. He is a prolific writer, whose works include White Men’s Magic: Scripturalization as Slavery (2012) and Black Flesh Matters: Essays on Ranagate Interpretation (2022). He was on the filmmaking team that produced the award-winning documentary Finding God in the City of Angels (2021).

Dr. Jacqueline Hidalgo is a Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of San Diego. She is the author of Revelation in Aztlán: Scriptures, Utopias, and the Chicano Movement (2016).

Dr. Richard Newton is an Associate Professor in the Department of Religion at the University of Alabama. He is the author of Identifying Roots: Alex Haley and the Anthropology of Scriptures (2020).


Outro Music by Akrasis (Max Bowen, raps; Mark McKee, beats)

Audio editing by Aliyah Harris

Production by Lucia Hulsether and Tina Pippin