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Young People as Citizens:

A Conversation with Beth Corrie

In Act 1 Tina and Lucia speak to Dr. Beth Corrie about her transformational work on the page and the classroom and in mentoring relationships with young adults has helped empower countless people to emerge as leaders in their communities and live out commitments to peace and justice.

In Act 2 Lucia and Tina talk with Beth about her Freirean model of sharing power with youth. Beth shares the practices of deliberative pedagogy and the ways that youth and staff in the Youth Theological Initiative faced difficult social and communal issues with transparency, mutual accountability, and intentionality.

about our guest/s

Dr. Beth Corrie is an Associate Professor in the Practice of Youth Education and Peacebuilding and Director of the Youth Theological Initiative (2007-2019) at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University.