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Humanizing Critical Pedagogy: The Promise of Community Colleges

Humanizing Critical Pedagogy: The Promise of Community Colleges

Humanizing Critical Pedagogy: The Promise of Community Colleges Sometimes theories of critical pedagogy can be quite abstract. What does it look like to front concrete practices in our approaches to this tradition? How do those practices change in the context of...
Structures of Solidarity: Undergraduate Student Workers Unite!

Structures of Solidarity: Undergraduate Student Workers Unite!

Structures of Solidarity: Undergraduate Student Workers Unite! The common workplace issues of low pay, toxic environment, understaffing, corporate greed, wage theft, union busting, and high turnover also exist in institutions of higher education. Undergraduate...
DEFEND THE CLASSROOM! Building + Contesting Power with Ira Shor

DEFEND THE CLASSROOM! Building + Contesting Power with Ira Shor

Defend the Classroom!: Building + Contesting Power with Ira Shor How should we collectively defend classrooms from the neoliberal assault on democratic praxis and critical pedagogies? What histories, traditions, and alliances should shape our tactics? In our March...
Liberatory Methods: On Teaching from the Knowledge in the Room

Liberatory Methods: On Teaching from the Knowledge in the Room

Liberatory Methods: On Teaching from the Knowledge in the Room What does it look like for pedagogy to begin with the stories, hopes, and critiques that are already present in the classroom? How has this approach to education been practiced in movements for social...
Dreaming New Dreams: Pedagogies of Mind and Heart

Dreaming New Dreams: Pedagogies of Mind and Heart

Dreaming New Dreams: Pedagogies of Mind and Heart What are the implicit “agreements” structuring our teaching and learning practices? How might we create new agreements for educational justice and collective healing? Professor Emerita Laura Rendón talks college...