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Humanizing Critical Pedagogy: The Promise of Community Colleges

Humanizing Critical Pedagogy: The Promise of Community Colleges

Humanizing Critical Pedagogy: The Promise of Community Colleges Sometimes theories of critical pedagogy can be quite abstract. What does it look like to front concrete practices in our approaches to this tradition? How do those practices change in the context of...
Playing with Texts: Pedagogies of Scripture

Playing with Texts: Pedagogies of Scripture

Playing with Texts: Pedagogies of Scripture  What does critical pedagogy offer when it comes to texts entangled with histories of oppression and disenfranchisement? How might we approach these texts so as to ask new questions and bring out different stories? about our...
Reading the Rainbow: On LGBT+ Inclusion in K-12 Pedagogy

Reading the Rainbow: On LGBT+ Inclusion in K-12 Pedagogy

Reading the Rainbow: A Conversation with Jill M. Hermann-Wilmarth and Caitlin L. Ryan In Part 1 Jill and Caitlin talk about how they came to write their recent book, Reading the Rainbow: LGBTQ-Inclusive Literacy Instruction in the Elementary Classroom (Teachers...