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Product to Process: The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop

Product to Process: The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop

Product to Process: The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop This month we welcome Prof. Felicia Rose Chavez, award-winning educator and author of The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop: How to Decolonize the Creative Classroom. We dig into the history of writing programs, a vision...
Flipping the Covenant: Debt, Labor, and Public Education

Flipping the Covenant: Debt, Labor, and Public Education

Flipping the Covenant: Debt, Labor, and Higher Education What’s the situation with debt and higher education? It’s common to talk about student debt, but what about the debts that many colleges and universities owe to big banks? We are ringing in 2021 in style with a...
Never Alone: Building Movements with Project South

Never Alone: Building Movements with Project South

Never Alone: Building Movements with Project South In this episode Steph and Emery tell us about the history of Project South, how they came to their work, and how the work of grassroots education and movement building intersect in the organization. We hear about some...
#COLA Now: A Conversation with UCSC Wildcat Strikers

#COLA Now: A Conversation with UCSC Wildcat Strikers

#COLA Now: A Conversation with UCSC Wildcat Strikers The #COLA strike has been a rollercoaster: it involves a struggle for union democracy, mass firing and loss of healthcare during a pandemic, inspiring coalitions with local workers and students, standoffs with...